Saturday, August 27, 2011

Take Chances!

I don't know what it is, but I feel like I have been seeing a lot of women who feel that they do not  have the ability to make a change in their life or to go after something that they really want. I can tell you from first hand experience, that this is not the case and it is never too late to turn something around or to make something happen. You know that saying, "Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game?" Well, try to apply this to your love life. Think about it: If you never say how you really feel, how is the other person ever going to know? If you don't get out of the relationship that you are unhappy in, how will you ever have the chance to meet the right person who WILL make you happy? If you have too much pride and let someone you care about walk away, how will you ever be able to live life without wondering what if?

Stop living your life on the safe side and take a risk when it comes to romance. Even in the worst case scenario and things don't go the way you had originally hoped them to, at least you could say that you gave it everything you had. To me, that would offer enough self satisfaction. My best friend asked me earlier if I were to die that day, would I have any regrets? I found my answer to this extremely interesting. I would ask yourself that... if you were to die today, would you have any regrets? It doesn't even necessarily have to be romance related, it could be anything. My advice is to do something about it. Life is too damn short to be anything but happy, and if this is something that has been weighing you down... for pete's sake, change that! Seriously, what's stopping you?

"Do one thing every day that scares you" - Eleanor Roosevelt

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