Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mending A Broken Heart

Once you've completely fallen for someone, it can be very difficult to move past it and get on with your life. This obviously depends on how long you two were together, how compatible you were, the maturity of the relationship, and how strong the feelings actually were between you both. Given that though, if you let someone into your life and give them a piece of your heart, it can be incredibly hard to try to get that piece back. The important thing to remember is the fact that life will keep moving on, whether you're willing and ready to accept it or not.

I am a huge believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason - it all has a purpose. If you are truly meant to be with someone, it will work out that way eventually. In the mean time, it's crucial to at least try and get on with your life. There is no point in finding pity in yourself and to question everything that went wrong or what you could have done differently. Chances are, it was way beyond your control. I have been in love and I have had my heart completely stomped on... but you know what? I'm still living, and not only am I living but I am actually incredibly happy. Yes, I have been the girl who sits at home staring at the phone waiting for it to ring. I have laid in bed for hours watching endless amounts of romantic comedies and wonder why things don't work out that way in reality. I have spent hours with my girlfriends going over little details that I really shouldn't have cared much about to begin with. I've blasted Taylor Swift in my car and related to the words she was singing. I've gone out of my way to find a rebound, and of course end up severely disappointed. Even with all of that though, I have found a way to pull myself off the ground, dust off my knees, and put a smile back on my face.

I'm not going to say that it's always going to be easy because that would be a flat out lie. Some relationships are easier than others to move on from. There will be that occasional person who will completely sweep you off your feet and then break your heart when you least expect it. Just remember that the heartache that you may suffer from is only temporary. Well, it should be at least. My advice here is to give yourself time to heal. I have made the mistake of getting heartbroken and finding a "replacement" if you will, and ended up regretting it. The truth is, you need to let yourself hurt and be sad and to go through the emotions of not having them in your life anymore. The time frame for this stage varies for everyone. For some, it can only last to about a week long... as for the others, it can take years. Don't try to rush into anything or put yourself in a position that you aren't ready for.

Once you have finally accepted the fact that things are over, you will have a much easier time enjoying and appreciating the next person who comes into your life. Yes... believe or not, there will be others. Try to not get too hung up on the "what if" aspect and see it as a new adventure just waiting to begin. You have a completely clean slate at this point, use that to your advantage and find someone who will appreciate you for who you really are and what you have to offer within a relationship.

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