Sunday, August 14, 2011

Enjoy Being Alone

Before you can fully give yourself to someone else, I think that it's incredibly important that you are not only content but HAPPY being on your own as well. Being alone doesn't always have to be such a bad thing. I don't understand why women beat themselves up and get depressed about going through life solo... and taking it out on Ben & Jerry's isn't going to solve anything nor will it fix the situation. It hurts me to hear women complaining about being single and "needing" a man in their life. Let me tell you, times have changed. Women are taking matters into their own hands and realizing that they don't need a man in order to be happy. Yes, I know that we all have our moments of weakness and crave the comfort of someone at times but that does not mean that it should affect our perception or outlook on life.

In fact, I would think that having that time to yourself would be an amazing opportunity for you to find out who you really are and what you need. It gives you the ability to re-evaluate your life and the things that are important to YOU and the things that make YOU happy. It allows you to do all the things that you've been wanting to do but never did. It gives you the chance to pamper yourself again. Being alone shouldn't have such a negative connotation attached to it. I don't know about you, but making sure that I have "me time" is a completely normal thing and when I get that time to myself (no matter how long or short it may be), I notice instant gratification.

Whether you are freshly coming out of a failed relationship or you have been living the single life for a while now, it's important to make sure that you are putting yourself first. I know that we have grown up in a society where we have been taught to put others before ourselves but when it comes to your own happiness, it's okay to be selfish. Take some time to completely spoil yourself.

Buy yourself a new outfit that makes you feel good about yourself. Go on a day trip alone (or do what I do, and bring your dog) and enjoy the complete absence of someone else. Indulge in that incredibly high calorie dessert that you never let yourself have. Go to the movies or dinner alone... I know this one sounds scary but it's actually quite relaxing. Take up that hobby that you've been always wanting to try. Exercise and feel good about your body! Whatever it is, just make sure it's what YOU want to do and find joy in doing it.

It's really easy to become consumed within the relationship and to lose a part of yourself when you're with someone. I can 100% relate to this (hence why I'm writing about this topic). If you've been in a relationship for a longer period of time, it is very common to find yourself compromising the things that you enjoy doing. Take this opportunity and do something about it.

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